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Reading Time: 2 minutesThe internet is crowded with websites and social media posts competing for the attention and money of their audiences and potential customers. Every second, millions of people are using search engines to find a product or service, so ensuring your website has the potential to be seen means spending enough time focusing on your inbound marketing. In simple terms, this means your blog.
So why should your business even have a blog? Aside from the obvious need of as much relevant content and keywords as possible to push your website to the first page of SERPs (search engine results pages), there are many other benefits to having a blog for your business.
Building even short blog posts like this one that answer a frequently asked question and proving that your business knows the answer is enough to start developing your reputation in the industry. And, the more blog posts you create, the increased chance you have of being discovered. The length of time these blog posts exist and build hits will also play a role in how Google and other search engines will label your site as a leader in the industry and they themselves will push your websites into the top positions.
It’s more than just keywords and search engine optimization, a blog gives value to your customers – something they can take for free before they even need to commit to your product or service. When you’re competition could be in the thousands, having something else that gives you a unique selling point (even if it’s just a blog) can be enough to really grab those conversions and build relationships with your customers.
Although you may choose to invest in a blog writer who can hash out blogs faster than you could fathom, essentially a blog is a free marketing tool. If you can build something spectacular and share it on your social media and other platforms (such as your email marketing), you can direct traffic to your business. From there, you can also include a couple of ads (but please don’t go overboard) to also generate some income or direct visitors to other pages on your website.
If you’re still a little resistant to the idea of spending time on a blog that could be used elsewhere, we want to emphasize how important a blog will be to separating yourself as a leader in your industry, build relationships with customers, and truly set yourself apart from your competition. And, when you can do all of this for free, there really isn’t any reason not to blog.
Interested in learning more about how a blog can be the cherry on top of a spectacular and workable website? Reach out for a conversation with our team today.
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